Friday, March 26, 2010

Michael Frayn leads to Claire Tomalin leads to Dickens' mistress...

I read the interview on Frayn (to which Alan posted a link - thank you), and as one thing always leads to another, I looked around and read a bit about his wife, a journalist and biographer. I may be the last to know this, but she's written some very well-reviewed biographies that might be something our group would enjoy. Her subjects range from Nelly Ternan (C. Dickens' mistress!) to Samuel Pepys & Jane Austen.

If you get a free minute, check her out to see if any of her biographies sound like good book-group reading...

I'm just starting the Frayn novel myself. I read Jansson's Summer Book, which I highly recommend.

Any other good reading going on out there in gale-force wind land? It's spring now, right?

Friday, March 12, 2010


     I shall have to remove my tongue from my cheek and re-think my ideas about just how long a short book should be . . . as long as it takes to tell the tale. Now I shall have to extract my tongue from the other cheek.

     For anyone interested here is an interview published in The Observer last year.